Station Training Your Bird for Safety and Happiness 1-18-21 4pm EST
Station Training Your Bird for Safety and Happiness
There are two magical tools in your arsenal of training behaviors that are, to me, the most essential for a lifetime of happiness. The first is clicker training – it’s the early “learning to walk” skill that opens up a world of learning.
The second – and this one is both for happiness AND for safety – is station training.
It’s also for sanity. Yours!
Station training means your bird learns to play primarily in their designated play areas. It also means returning to “home base” station in an instant, when it’s urgent, too.
Station training, ironically, brings more freedom, play and trust to our relationships with our little ones. It means they get waaaaaay more “out of cage” time because they aren’t constantly getting into trouble and aren’t velcro’d to you.
It means safety for them! Independent play – hooray!
And it can mean safety for family, too. For the little ones who might fly and bite others, station training means redirecting all that BIG energy to BIG playing in their favorite areas – and returning to their play areas on a quick cue should the urge to chomp arise.
Station training is GENTLE. It’s a skillset nurtured with love and play and attention and all of the goodness we could ever give our sweet birds – and we’ll coach you on EXACTLY how to do it, step by easy step!
In this workshop, Cassie Malina will explore with you the different reasons birds bite, how to anticipate and respond to bites… and how to help your parrot learn NOT to bite!
**Free for PK Members!!**
Join us Tuesday to learn how to Station Train your bird! ❤️
When: Tuesday, January 18 14 @ 4pm EST
Where: Online! We’ll send you a Zoom link
Cost: $35 for non-PK Members (PK-Members free)
Cassie Malina, CPBT-KA, CPBC has over 20 years’ experience working with parrots and formerly produced parrot shows across the country – and most primarily at Disney’s Animal Kingdom!
Cassie is our Parrot Kindergarten behavior trainer (aka school counselor)! 🥰
Come with your questions! This is a fun, interactive workshop!
We look forward to seeing you!
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